Alchemical Herb Profile: Elderberry (Sambucus cerulea)

While we were out harvesting Elderberries on our land this summer, we wanted to share some info about the medicinal virtues of this invaluable herb with you! Now that the winter is rolling in, this is the perfect time to be pulling out the Elderberry for immune support, so check out this short video to learn how to use this herb when you need it the most! You’ll also probably learn a few new things about Elderberry that you didn’t know before…

Beyond the physiological health benefits this herb has to offer, I dig in here to reveal some of the spiritual potencies behind this plant as well. I always like to share about how it is classified in Medical Astrology, as well as how it can be prepared as a Spagyric herbal remedy.

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Evolutionary Herbal Profile: Oregon Grape

This is one of the great remedies for the solar plexus- on a physical level through it’s impact on digestion and the liver, but also energetically as it operates upon the Manipura, or 3rd chakra. It’s one of my major remedies that I use a lot- for so many people can benefit from the use of a good bitter plant like Oregon Grape- only if it is constitutionally suited for you though! Typically people will get too cold from taking a remedy like this for too long if it doesn’t work for their constitution.

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Herbal Alchemy: The Water Element

Learn how to use the Elements as a lens for classifying and using herbal remedies. The Alchemical herbal perspective involves looking at the planetary rulerships of different herbs, their organ and tissue affinities, as well as providing a sophisticated and refined way of preparing herbal medicines according to astrological influences. In this video, I reveal how the common herb Cleavers (Gallium aparine) relates to the water element, as well as Venus and the lymphatic system.

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