Alchemical Herb Profile: Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

“A weed is a plant whose virtue is not yet known.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Though Dandelion is a common “weed” found in most people’s yards, it is full of medicinal properties that are valuable to know. I often think that those herbs which show up all over the place, growing up through the cracks in the sidewalks, hanging out in your lawn, popping up all over your garden – there’s a reason those plants follow us wherever we go.

Dandelion is highly nutritive, full of minerals and health promoting properties. As a bitter tonic, the root supports digestive health, improving the function of the liver and gallbladder. Yet it also has a high inulin content, which is best extracted as a long slow decoction – also great when paired with Burdock in this method of preparation. Inulin is a superb food for the beneficial bacteria within the gut, making this a fabulous tonic for restoring the flora of the digestive tract.

In this video, I share not only the health benefits of this herb for the organs and tissues, but I also give you the key constitutional information you need to know to use this herb holistically. It’s vital to pay attention to which particular constitution an herb is suitable for, and in what context an herb is appropriate to administer – for without this core knowledge, herbs have the potential to negatively impact the health of the individual or become constitutionally damaging.

As always, I love sharing the astrological signatures within plants, so watch this video to hear about which planetary influences are held within Dandelion. Using the lens of medical astrology to look at plants, we can see not only which tissue states and specific organs an herb impacts, but we also have the view of looking at the spiritual medicine and initiatory qualities within a plant.


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