Tending to the Inner Cosmos with Plant Medicine

Last week I had the honor of being interviewed by functional nutritionist and Akashic Soul Record reader, Venessa Rodriguez, for her Feed Your Wild podcast – a conscious lifestyle show about all things nourishing for your body, mind, and soul.

Here’s what Vanessa has to share about the interview:

“In this episode, Sajah talks about his own plant path and how he went from being on track to becoming a doctor to then studying various herbal and healing traditions, uncovering universal truths that led to his goal to honor both the physical and spiritual.

Sajah walks us through what is evolutionary herbalism is and the 5 pillars of evolutionary herbalism. We talk about the importance of “learning by heart” and how to practice transformational medicine, working with plants for transformational healing and assist us in reclaiming our true natures and support us in working through traumas and breaking through conditionings.

Sajah shares how he uses medical astrology to translate patterns within a person’s life and the difference between a “hope herbalist” and a holistic herbalist, and how an evolutionary herbalist.

We cover how to tend to the inner cosmos and Sajah walks us through a fantastic case study to ground these principles into practice, including planetary patterns, plant medicine, and energetics for healing body, mind and spirit.

Here are few points that we discussed in this  Feed Your Wild podcast episode:

How the current education system structures our way of thinking and the importance of “learning by heart” – gnosis cardiaca, and my interest in the “perennial truth”

The importance of the natural world and the light of nature being the core pillar of evolutionary herbalism

How we can work with plants for transformational healing and assist us in reclaiming our true natures and support us in working through traumas and breaking through conditionings

How we can use medical astrology to translate patterns within a person’s life

The significance of archetypal forces and patterns within medicine, plants, and people as a bridge

How to tend to the inner cosmos and a case study to ground these principles into practice, including planetary patterns, plant medicine, and energetics for healing body, mind and spirit

Working with plants in an alchemical way helps to heal the expression of the pattern and archetype of the person

How working with a single plant that is a “match” energetically to the patterns of the person can be profoundly powerful in the healing process

The difference between a “hope herbalist” and a holistic herbalist, and how an evolutionary herbalist is looking at the spiritual and archetypal expression too”

{Episode notes shared from Vanessa Rodriguez, host of Feed Your Wild podcast}

To listen in on the conversation, click the player below & enjoy! I’d love to hear what you think of the episode, so leave me a comment or any questions you have on this post here.

Take care,


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