Thanks for picking up your copy of

Evolutionary herbalism

and joining the free companion course...
scroll down for some important details

check your inbox

You'll be getting 3 important emails from us

Your username, password and login information (that one’s reallyΒ important so be sure to save it!)

If you don’t receive this emails please contact us immediately at [email protected]


Be sure to add [email protected] to your contacts so that the emails we send you for the course don’t end up in your spam folder! If our emails show up in a “Promotions” tab just drag them into your inbox.

How to


To access the program, you will login at the student login page: Please bookmark this page so you can access it easily.

After logging in you’ll be taken to the Student Portal, which will show the logos for the programs you’re enrolled in color. Just click that logo and you’re in!

Once you’re in the program, you can bookmark that homepage and simply stay logged in so you don’t have to login every time. The site is totally protected so you don’t have to worry about logging in and out every time.

Your username and password will be in your inbox shortly. (Remember, if you don’t see this email from us, check your spam folder)

You can change your password, update your credit card information and manage your account from within the Portal- just hover over the “My Account” part of the top menu.

We’ve built this membership site to be as user friendly and navigable as possible. It is also mobile friendly and should work just fine on your tablet or smart phone.

Gotta Question?


We’d be happy to talk with you and answer any of your questions!
You can call us at (833) 988-4433


We’re available to chat with you live during our business hours, just click the chatΒ  box on the lower right side of this page. If we’re closed we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re back to work.


Drop us an email with any questions you may have and we’ll get back to you as swiftly as we can. Send us a message at [email protected]

Daily Plant Based Inspiration