a free workshop series from The School of Evolutionary Herbalism


Your Pathway to Learning Herbs Holistically

the herbal monograph map

Have you ever looked up an herb and been disappointed with a list of actions or a few brief sentences saying what it’s “good for?”

And after reading a “monograph” like this, have you felt like you still don’t really understand that plant?

Plants, like people, can’t be reduced to a few sentences or a list. To be an effective herbalist you have to understand your plants beyond just what symptoms they’re “good for.”

And that means you need a solid herbal monograph with the essential, clinically relevant information that leads to its effective use.

You ultimately need The Herbal Monograph Map.

Here's what you'll learn:​


There’s one thing great herbalists all have in common: disciplined and consistent study of materia medica. 

But they don’t just read what they’re good for or memorize lists of properties. They approach studying plants strategically, understanding the how and why behind their medicinal virtues. 

The Herbal Monograph Map workshop series takes you step-by-step on how to effectively study plants from the ground up with the most in-depth monograph template available.

Lesson 1:

The 5 Keys of medicinal plants

The Key Properties You Have to Know About Every Plant

Before knowing how to use a plant medicinally, you have to know its core medicinal virtues to understand how it will dynamically influence the body. In this first lesson you’ll learn the “Five Keys” that unlock a holistic understanding of medicinal plants.
Start Here

Lesson 2:

Clinical Patterns vs. Good For

Breakthrough the Biggest Mental Blockage to Learning Herbs

Herbs can’t be understood or used effectively if you only think of them in terms of what conditions or symptoms they treat. This lesson will help you break out of the allopathic mindset that pervades modern culture and learn to start thinking and more importantly, perceiving, holistically.
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Lesson 3:

Essentials for Therapeutics and Administration

Get the Essentials That May Determine Your Success or Failure

It’s one thing to know about the plants, but there’s more layers to learn to effectively give them to someone. From dosage and preparations, to safety and proper formulation, this final stage of the monograph ensures your success when actually giving someone a plant to heal them.
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monograph map

Get three in-depth video workshops + guidebook to download


Sajah Popham

Author of Evolutionary Herbalism: Science, Medicine & Spirituality from the Heart of Nature

Hey there! I'm Sajah, core instructor and founder here at the School of Evolutionary Herbalism. You're probably wondering who I am and what my qualifications are.

I received a BS in Herbal Sciences from Bastyr University 2008, which formed my foundation in herbalism: rooted in science but also central to my Earth-centered spirituality. From there I received clinical training through studying and shadowing some of the best herbalists.

For the past decade of teaching thousands of folks from around the world through our school, my goal has been to have a truly holistic approach to people and plants, one that honors the physical, energetic and spiritual aspects of life. I strive to support people in transforming their lives, to not just be symptom free— but physically vital, mentally inspired, emotionally uplifted, and growing into their life purpose. The plants are at the root of this transformational healing, for that's what they have provided to me.

I hope to be able to share a little bit of the medicine I have gathered along my plant path with you.

get on the herbal monograph map waitlist

Enter your first name and best email address below and be the first in line to get into the workshop when it opens January 24th, 2023

We take your email address seriously, respect it, will never sell it, and only use it to deliver top-notch herbal education. You’re free to unsubscribe from our list at anytime.