Materia medica monthly
Claim your free issue from The School of Evolutionary Herbalism
Your Pathway to Learning Herbs Holistically
Have you ever looked up an herb and been disappointed with a list of actions or a few brief sentences saying what it’s “good for?”
And after reading a “monograph” like this, have you felt like you still don’t really understand that plant?
Plants, like people, can’t be reduced to a few sentences or a list. To be an effective herbalist you have to understand your plants beyond just what symptoms they’re “good for.”
And that means you need a solid herbal monograph with the essential, clinically relevant information that leads to its effective use.
Get a map of how to create the most holistic herbal monograph while learning a highly versatile herb for the modern client: Holy Basil.
There’s one thing great herbalists all have in common: disciplined and consistent study of materia medica.
But they don’t just read what they’re good for or memorize lists of properties. They approach studying plants strategically, understanding the how and why behind their medicinal virtues.
This free workshop is two-fold: on one hand you’re getting a free issue of Materia Medica Monthly with our in-depth monograph on Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum), and on the other you’re getting a blueprint for how to make you’re own amazing herbal monographs.
Lesson 1:
The Key Properties You Have to Know About Every Plant
Lesson 2:
Clinical Patterns vs. "Good For"
Lesson 3:
Essentials That Can Determine Your Success or Failure
Materia Medica Monthly
Get three in-depth video workshops + the downloadable monograph, all covering Holy Basil