Alchemy and Spagyrics

The philosophy of the European alchemical tradition and its practical application in spagyric pharmacy is central to the Evolutionary Herbalism model. Explore the potency of the synergy of clinical herbalism with alchemy.

What is “Energetic Architecture?”

I use the term “energetic architecture” a lot in my work- for it’s a phrase that to me truly encompasses the concept in alchemy of correspondences, or the philosophy that everything in life is interconnected, related, and the above and below are ultimately One. But what does that mean? And how do we use that philosophy practically? Energetic Architecture is a universal pattern of energetics that weaves together science, religion, and medical traditions from around the world. Essentially, it consists of three primary layers, or patterns, of energetics: the 7 planets, the 5 elements, and the 3 philosophical principles (Alchemy) or doshas (Ayurveda). When one looks at traditional models of the world, there is usually always some form of a 3 fold pattern, a 5 fold pattern, and a 7 fold pattern.

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What Astrology can do for you as an Herbalist

As an herbalist, you love working with plants on many levels. You might be a wildcrafter, or a gardener. You might just love making herbal medicine. You probably help your friends, family, clients and community with their health through herbs. And chances are, you actually do all of the above, right?

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Herbal Alchemy: The Water Element

Learn how to use the Elements as a lens for classifying and using herbal remedies. The Alchemical herbal perspective involves looking at the planetary rulerships of different herbs, their organ and tissue affinities, as well as providing a sophisticated and refined way of preparing herbal medicines according to astrological influences. In this video, I reveal how the common herb Cleavers (Gallium aparine) relates to the water element, as well as Venus and the lymphatic system.

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